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10 Surprising Ways to Tackle Pomeranian Tear Stains

Pomeranian tear stains: How to Prevent Tear Staining


Nikki Nguyen, Proprietor

Pom Pom Personality

What to realize about tear stains

 (Time of beginning) The top reasons for tear stains

in Your Beloved Pomeranian

Pomeranians are beloved for their fluffy coats, adorable faces, and spunky personalities. However, one common issue that many Pomeranian owners face is tear stains. These reddish-brown stains around the eyes can be frustrating and unsightly, but the good news is that there are ways to tackle them. In this article, we will explore 10 surprising ways to prevent tear staining in your beloved Pomeranian.

1. Keep the Eyes Clean and Dry

The first step in preventing tear staining is to keep the area around your Pomeranian's eyes clean and dry. Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe away any discharge or debris that may accumulate. Additionally, make sure to dry the area thoroughly afterwards. This will prevent bacteria from growing and causing irritation that can lead to tear staining.

2. Regular Grooming

Regular grooming is essential for Pomeranians, not just for their overall appearance but also for preventing tear staining. Regular brushing and combing will help to remove any loose hair and debris that may accumulate around the eyes. This will also distribute natural oils and prevent matting, which can trap moisture and cause tear staining.

3. Use Natural tea Stain Removers

There are many products on the market that claim to remove tear stains, but not all of them are safe for your pomeranian. Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals and opt for natural tear stain removers instead. These can include ingredients like apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, and coconut oil. These natural ingredients are gentle on your pomeranian's sensitive skin and do not contain any harmful chemicals.

4. Keep Your Pomeranian's Face Hair Short

Pomeranians have long, fluffy coats, and this includes the hair on their faces. However, long facial hair can trap moisture and bacteria, leading to tear staining. Keeping your Pomeranian's face hair short can help prevent this. You can do this yourself with grooming scissors or take your Pomeranian to a professional groomer for regular trims.

5. Monitor Diet

Believe it or not, your Pomeranian's diet can affect tear staining. Certain ingredients in dog food, such as artificial dyes and preservatives, can cause excessive tearing and lead to tear staining. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your Pomeranian and choose high-quality food that is free from these additives.

6. Keep Your Pomeranian Hydrated

Dehydration can also contribute to tear staining. Make sure your pomeranian has access to fresh, clean water at all times. This will not only keep them hydrated but also help flush out any toxins that may contribute to tear staining.

7. Use Filtered Water

The minerals and chemicals in tap water can sometimes cause excessive tearing and lead to tear staining. Consider using filtered water for your Pomeranian, especially if you notice an increase in tear staining. This will remove any potential irritants and keep your Pomeranian's eyes clean and healthy.

8. Change Your Pomeranian's Bedding

If your pomeranian sleeps in a bed or crate, it's important to regularly wash and change their bedding. Dirty bedding can harbor bacteria and irritants that can cause excessive tearing and lead to tear staining. Make sure to use a mild, fragrance-free detergent when washing their bedding to avoid any potential irritants.

9. Reduce Stress

Stress can also be a contributing factor to tear staining in Pomeranians. Make sure your Pomeranian has a calm and safe environment. Avoid loud noises, excessive handling, and any other stressors that may cause your pomeranian to become anxious. A calm and stress-free environment can help reduce excessive tearing and prevent tear staining.

10. Consult with a Veterinarian

If you have tried all of these methods and your Pomeranian is still experiencing tear staining, it's important to consult with a veterinarian. They can rule out any underlying health issues and provide you with additional tips and treatments to help tackle tear staining in your beloved Pomeranian.

In conclusion, tear staining is a common issue among Pomeranians, but it doesn't have to be a constant battle. By following these 10 surprising ways to prevent tear staining, you can keep your Pomeranian's eyes clean and healthy and their adorable face free from unsightly stains. Remember to always use gentle and natural products and to consult with a veterinarian if the issue persists. With proper care and attention, you and your Pomeranian can enjoy a tear-stain-free life together.


Pomeranians are known for their beautiful fluffy coats, but their long fur can also hide a common problem—eye stains. Pomeranian eye stains, also known as tear stains, are a common issue that many dog owners face. While the condition is not usually dangerous, it can be unsightly and uncomfortable for your pup. Understanding the causes and treatments of Pomeranian eye stains can help you keep your pup comfortable and looking their best.

What Causes Pomeranian Eye Stains?

Pomeranian eye stains can be caused by a variety of factors, including diet, allergies, and eye anatomy. In some cases, tear stains can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Common causes of Pomeranian eye stains include:

• Allergies: If your Pomeranian has allergies, they may be prone to excessive tearing, which can cause eye staining.

• Diet: Poor-quality dog food can be a cause of eye staining, as it can contain dyes and chemicals that can irritate your pup's eyes.

• Eye anatomy: Some Pomeranians have prominent eyes or eyelids that can cause excessive tearing and eye staining.

• Infections: Bacterial or yeast infections can cause eye staining, as can other types of eye infections.

What Are the Treatments for Pomeranian Eye Stains?

The best way to treat Pomeranian eye stains is to identify and address the underlying cause. If your pup has allergies, for example, you may need to switch their diet to a hypoallergenic food or give them antihistamines. If their eye staining is caused by their eye anatomy, you may need to take them to the vet for a surgical procedure to address the issue. Additionally, you may need to use special eye-cleaning products or give your pup eye drops to treat any infections.

How to Prevent Pomeranian Eye Stains

The best way to prevent Pomeranian eye stains is to ensure that your pup is eating a healthy, high-quality diet, is not exposed to allergens, and has regular checkups with the vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Additionally, you may want to use a gentle eye-cleaning product to keep your pup’s eyes free of dirt and debris, which can cause staining.

Pomeranian eye stains can be an unsightly problem, but with the right care and treatment, you can keep your pup looking and feeling their best. By understanding the causes and treatments of Pomeranian eye stains, you can ensure that your pup stays comfortable and healthy.

Pomeranian prevents tear stains

Some Pomeranians will require some extra care around the eye area to remove and prevent tear stains.

Pomeranians are a popular breed of small, fluffy dogs. While they are cute and lovable, they are also prone to developing tear stains, which can be an unsightly problem. Fortunately, with a few simple steps, owners can help remove and prevent tear stains from forming on their pomeranian’s face.

Tear stains form when the eyes produce too many tears. This causes the tears to overflow, which can leave behind a reddish-brown stain around the eyes. These stains can be unsightly and embarrassing for owners, but they can also be a sign of a more serious medical issue. If your Pomeranian has tear stains, it’s important to bring him to the vet to make sure there isn’t an underlying medical issue causing the tears to overflow.

Once the underlying cause of the tear stains has been addressed, you can begin to work on removing the stains from your pomeranian’s face. One of the best ways to do this is to use a tear stain remover product. These products, which can be purchased at most pet stores, are specifically designed to get rid of tear stains. They are also easy to use and can be applied directly to the stained area.

In addition to using a tear stain remover, there are a few other things you can do to prevent tear stains from forming in the first place. First, make sure your pomeranian is getting plenty of water to stay hydrated. This will help reduce the number of tears his eyes produce. Second, keep the area around your pomeranian’s eyes clean. Wipe away any debris or dirt that accumulates around the eyes to help prevent tears from overflowing.

Finally, make sure your Pomeranian is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation. A bored Pomeranian may be more prone to excessive tearing, so make sure your pup is getting plenty of playtime and activities to keep him entertained.

Tear stains can be unsightly and embarrassing, but with a few simple steps, you can help get rid of them and prevent them from forming in the future. Make sure to keep the area around your Pomeranian’s eyes clean, provide plenty of water and exercise, and purchase a tear stain remover to help get rid of any existing stains. With a little extra care, you can keep your pomeranian’s face looking its best.


Top Reasons for Tear Stains with Pomeranians

Pomeranians are one of the most popular dog breeds, known for their fluffy coats and adorable faces. However, these cute little creatures are also prone to tear stains, which can affect their overall appearance and cause discomfort. Tear stains are reddish-brown marks that appear under the eyes of Pomeranians, and they can be a cause for concern for many pet owners. In this article, we will discuss the top causes of tear stains in Pomeranians and how to prevent and treat them.

1. Genetics

One of the main causes of tear stains in Pomeranians is genetics. Some Pomeranians are more prone to tear stains due to their genetics, and it can be passed down from their parents. This is because some Pomeranians have a shallow eye socket, which causes their tears to not drain properly, resulting in tear stains. Therefore, if you are planning to get a Pomeranian, it is essential to do your research and choose a breeder who breeds healthy Pomeranians with no history of tear stains.

2. Eye Infections

Another common cause of tear stains in Pomeranians is eye infections. Pomeranians are susceptible to eye infections due to their small and sensitive eyes. These infections can cause excessive tearing, which leads to the formation of tear stains. If you notice any redness, discharge, or irritation in your pomeranian's eyes, it is essential to take them to the vet for a check-up and treatment.


3. Allergies

Just like humans, Pomeranians can also suffer from allergies, which can cause tear stains. Allergies can be triggered by various factors, such as food, environmental factors, or even grooming products. If your Pomeranian is allergic to something, it can cause their eyes to water excessively, leading to tear stains. If you suspect that your Pomeranian has allergies, consult with your vet to determine the cause and find a suitable treatment plan.

4. Blocked Tear Ducts

Pomeranians have small tear ducts, which can easily get blocked. When the tear ducts get blocked, the tears cannot drain properly, leading to tear stains. This can also cause discomfort and irritation to your Pomeranian. If you notice that your Pomeranian's eyes are constantly watery, it could be a sign of blocked tear ducts. This condition can be treated by a vet, who will flush out the blocked ducts and prescribe medication if needed.

5. Diet

Believe it or not, but your Pomeranian's diet can also play a role in the formation of tear stains. If your Pomeranian's diet is lacking in essential nutrients, it can weaken their immune system and make them more susceptible to eye infections and allergies. Additionally, some food colorings and additives can also trigger allergies in Pomeranians, resulting in tear stains. It is crucial to feed your pomeranian a high-quality diet that is specifically formulated for their breed and age.

Prevention and Treatment of Tear Stains

Now that we have discussed the top causes of tear stains in Pomeranians, let's talk about prevention and treatment. Firstly, it is essential to keep your Pomeranian's face clean and dry, especially the area under their eyes. This will prevent any bacteria from accumulating and causing tear stains. You can use a damp cloth or specialized dog wipes to clean their face gently.

If your Pomeranian already has tear stains, there are various treatment options available. These include tear stain removers, which are specially formulated to remove tear stains and prevent their recurrence. You can also try natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar, which can help reduce tear stains. However, it is always best to consult with your vet before trying any new treatment on your Pomeranian.

In conclusion, tear stains are a common issue among Pomeranians, but with proper care and management, they can be prevented and treated. Regular grooming, a healthy diet, and prompt treatment of any eye infections or allergies can go a long way in keeping your Pomeranian's eyes clean and tear-stain-free. Remember to consult with your vet if you notice any changes in your Pomeranian's tear stains or overall health. With love and care, your Pomeranian will have a bright and sparkling face, free from tear stains


Step-by-step instructions to Eliminate Tear Stains and Forestall Repeating Issues for pomeranian

Pomeranians are known for their fluffy coats and adorable faces, but one common issue that plagues this breed is tear stains. These reddish-brown stains under their eyes can be unsightly and may even cause discomfort for your furry friend. Fortunately, with proper care and maintenance, you can eliminate tear stains and prevent them from recurring. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of tear stains and avoid future problems for your pomeranian.

Step 1: Identify the Cause of Tear Stains

The first step in solving any problem is to understand its root cause. There are a few reasons why your pomeranian may be experiencing tear stains, including genetics, allergies, and eye infections. It's important to consult your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and get the appropriate treatment. If your pomeranian has allergies, your vet may recommend a change in diet or prescribe medication. If it's an eye infection, they may prescribe eye drops or antibiotics.

Step 2: Regularly Clean the Affected Area

Once you have identified the cause of the tear stains and addressed them, the next step is to clean the affected area. Use a damp cloth or cotton pad to gently wipe away the stains. Be sure to use warm water and avoid getting it in your pomeranian's eyes. It's important to clean the area daily to prevent any buildup and keep the fur around the eyes clean.

Step 3: Use a Tear Stain Remover

In addition to regular cleaning, you can also use a tear stain remover to help eliminate the stains.  On the other hand, a specialty wipe like John Paul Ear and Eye Wipes functions admirably. Completely wipe the region at least once each day, and preferably 2 to 3 times each day.

 These products are specifically designed to remove the reddish-brown discoloration caused by tears. They are available in various forms, including wipes, shampoos, and powders. Consult with your veterinarian to find the most suitable product for your pomeranian.

Step 4: Trim the Hair Around the Eyes

Long hair around the eyes can trap tears and cause staining. To prevent this, regularly trim the hair around your pomeranian's eyes. Use round-tipped scissors to avoid any accidents, and be very gentle in this sensitive area. If you are not comfortable trimming the hair yourself, you can take your pomeranian to a professional groomer.

Step 5: Keep Your Pomeranian's Face Dry

Moisture is one of the main causes of tear stains. Ensure that your pomeranian's face is always dry. After cleaning the area, use a clean cloth to gently pat it dry. You can also use a blow dryer on a low setting to dry the fur, but be careful not to get too close to your pomeranian's eyes.

Step 6: Monitor Your Pomeranian's Diet

A poor diet can also contribute to tear stains in pomeranians. Make sure your furry friend is getting a balanced and nutritious diet that is suitable for their age and needs. Consult with your veterinarian for recommendations Wellness Core Natural Grain Free for Small Breeds.  is the best food for your pomeranian.

Step 7: Keep Up with Regular Grooming

Regular grooming is essential for pomeranians to maintain healthy and clean coats. Brush your pomeranian's fur daily to remove any tangles and prevent tears from accumulating. This will also help distribute the natural oils in their coat, keeping it shiny and healthy.

Step 8: Consult with Your Veterinarian

If you have followed all the steps above and your pomeranian's tear stains are still persistent, it's important to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide further guidance and may recommend a specific treatment plan for your furry friend.

Suggested remover:

Our top pick is Eye Jealousy. There are 3 primary items in its line for canines: a cleaning agent (which can be skipped on the off chance that you're utilizing wipes; see past), a fluid arrangement, and a powder. The fluid and powder are, in many cases, exceptionally viable for easing up stains over the long haul when utilized together.

We should investigate and hop into the bit-by-bit application guidelines.

1 .Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution for Dogs

. This is a fluid arrangement. The specific fixings are exclusive; be that as it may, they incorporate witch hazel and colloidal silver, which attempts to coaxe dampness out of the hairs and battle against red yeast (and bacterial) contamination. This is accessible in heaps of sizes and is utilized close by a powder (see straightaway), so to ensure you have the right equilibrium of both topicals and to accomplish the very results that you'll be finding in a second, we suggest essentially the 8 oz. size.

2. Eye Envy Normal Tear Stain Remover Powder. This is the powder that works close to the fluid. It likewise helps draw dampness from the hairs, and it makes a boundary to assist with repulsing new tears from dousing the hairs. Assuming you have the 8 oz. fluid, this 4 oz. powder is suggested.

Timing of utilization: This treatment ought to be applied day-to-day. Ordinarily, stains will disappear within 1 to about fourteen days, contingent upon the seriousness of the staining and to what degree you carry out the ideas in Step 1 (Step #1: Survey all top potential causes).

For the best outcomes, don't skip a day. This treatment will, in addition to other things, assist with killing red yeast, and this actually should be finished on time every day as a general rule. Obviously, in the event that you truly do skirt an application, make certain to get things right in the groove again the following day.

In conclusion, tear stains in pomeranians can be a nuisance, but with proper care and maintenance, you can eliminate them and prevent them from recurring. Remember to identify the cause, regularly clean the affected area, use tear stain removers, and trim hair around the eyes, keep your pomeranian's face dry, monitor their diet, and maintain regular grooming. With these steps, your pomeranian's face will be tear-stain-free and look as adorable as ever.

The most effective method to Forestall Tear Staining pomeranian

Pomeranians are one of the most popular and beloved dog breeds, known for their fluffy coats and adorable faces. However, one common problem that many Pomeranian owners face is tear staining. Tear staining is the reddish-brown discoloration that appears around the eyes of dogs, particularly those with light-colored fur. While it may not seem like a severe issue, it can be a cause for concern for pet owners as it can make their pomeranian look unkempt and unhealthy.

Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to prevent tear staining in Pomeranians. In this article, we will discuss the causes of tear staining and provide tips on how to prevent it.

Causes of Tear Staining

Before we dive into the prevention methods, let's first understand the causes of tear staining in Pomeranians. Tear staining is caused by the excessive production of tears, which then overflow and spill onto the fur around the eyes. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including:

1. Tear Duct Issues: Pomeranians, like many other breeds, can have blocked or narrow tear ducts, which can lead to excessive tearing and staining.

2. Allergies: Pomeranians are prone to allergies, which can cause eye irritation and excessive tearing.

3. Genetics: Some Pomeranians are genetically predisposed to tear staining.

4. Diet: A poor diet or food allergies can also contribute to tear staining in Pomeranians.

5. Eye Infections: Eye infections can cause excessive tearing and lead to tear staining in Pomeranians.

Now that we know the causes of tear staining, let's look at ways to prevent it.

1. Regular Grooming

Proper grooming is essential for Pomeranians to maintain a healthy coat and prevent tear staining. Regularly brushing your pomeranian's fur will help remove any accumulated tears and prevent them from staining the fur. Additionally, it will distribute the natural oils in their coat, keeping it healthy and shiny.

2. Keep the Eye Area Clean

Keeping the area around your Pomeranian's eyes clean is crucial in preventing tear staining. Use a damp cloth or pet-safe wipes to gently clean the area around the eyes daily. This will remove any accumulated tears and prevent bacteria from growing, which can cause tear staining.

3. Use a Tear Stain Remover

There are various tear stain removers available on the market that can help remove existing tear stains and prevent new ones from forming. These products are specifically designed for the delicate eye area of dogs and are safe to use on Pomeranians.

4. Check for Allergies

If your Pomeranian is prone to allergies, it is essential to identify and eliminate the allergen. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the cause of the allergy and make the necessary dietary or environmental changes to prevent it from recurring.

5. Keep Your Pomeranian's Face Dry

Excessive moisture around your pomeranian's eyes can lead to tear staining. Make sure to dry your pomeranian's face after they drink water or go for a walk in the rain. You can also use a dog-friendly blow dryer on a low setting to dry the fur around their eyes.

6. Provide a Healthy Diet

A healthy and balanced diet is crucial for your pomeranian's overall health, including their eye health. Make sure to feed your Pomeranian high-quality dog food that is free from artificial preservatives, fillers, and by-products. Additionally, avoid giving them food that they may be allergic to.

7. Regular Vet Check-Ups

Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential to ensuring your pomeranian's health is in check. Your vet can identify any underlying health issues that may be causing tear staining and provide appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, tear staining in Pomeranians can be prevented by following these simple steps. However, if the tear staining persists or worsens, it is crucial to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. With proper care and attention, your Pomeranian can have a healthy and tear-stain-free coat.


on various factors

Having a pomeranian as a pet can bring joy and happiness to any household. These small, fluffy dogs are known for their vibrant personalities and cute appearance. However, one common issue that Pomeranian owners face is the presence of tear stains around their eyes. These reddish-brown marks can be unsightly and can take away from the overall cuteness of the breed. While there are many products and methods available on the market claiming to remove tear stains, the key to lasting success lies in understanding the various factors that contribute to their formation.

Firstly, it is essential to understand that tear stains are not unique to Pomeranians. Many dog breeds, especially those with white or light-colored fur, are prone to tear stains. These stains are caused by excessive tearing, which can be due to various reasons such as genetics, allergies, and eye infections. Pomeranians, being a small and delicate breed, are also more prone to eye infections, which can lead to tear stains.

Genetics play a significant role in the formation of tear stains. Some Pomeranians are genetically predisposed to excessive tearing, which can result in stubborn tear stains that are challenging to remove. In such cases, it is essential to understand that while tear stain removal products can help, they may not completely eliminate the stains. It is crucial to manage expectations and not rely solely on these products for a solution.

Another crucial factor that contributes to the formation of tear stains is diet. Pomeranians, like any other breed, require a balanced and nutritious diet to maintain good health. Feeding them low-quality or inappropriate food can lead to allergies, which can cause excessive tearing and, in turn, tear stains. It is advisable to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best diet for your Pomeranian and ensure that their food does not contain any potential allergens.

Apart from genetics and diet, the environment and grooming practices also play a role in the formation of tear stains in Pomeranians. These dogs have long, fluffy fur around their eyes, which can trap moisture and bacteria, leading to eye infections and tear stains. It is essential to keep their eyes clean and dry by regularly wiping them with a damp cloth. It is also recommended to trim the fur around their eyes to prevent it from coming into contact with tears and causing stains.

In addition to these factors, it is crucial to understand that every Pomeranian is unique, and what works for one dog may not necessarily work for another. As a pet owner, it is essential to observe your dog's behavior and habits and make necessary changes accordingly. For instance, if your Pomeranian has a habit of rubbing their eyes against furniture or grass, it is essential to address this behavior to prevent eye irritation and tear stains.

In conclusion, having lasting success in removing tear stains on a Pomeranian depends on various factors such as genetics, diet, environment, and grooming practices. It is crucial to understand that tear stains may not completely disappear, and managing expectations is key. As a pet owner, it is essential to be proactive in preventing tear stains by maintaining a healthy diet, keeping their eyes clean, and addressing any underlying health issues. With proper care and attention, tear stains can be managed, and your pomeranian can continue to be the adorable and lovable companion they are known to be.

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Nikki Nguyen I am from Washington,DC 

 Pom-Pom Personality Blog! As an avid pet lover, I am excited to share my experiences, tips, and tricks with fellow pets!

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